Offering Tamil classes
Affiliated to American Institute of Tamil Language (AITL)
* Structured Learning
* Prescribed books from AITL
* Online resources
* Common Evaluation
* Common Syllabus across 10+ US locations
Each student will get AITL prescribed Textbook and Workbook, which are used to teach in classes and to be practiced at home
20% for each of Three Trimester Assessments
15% - Completion of All Assignments
25% - Class Attendance
Every Sunday - 3 to 4:30 PM - Regular Classes
4:30 - 5:30 PM - தொன்மையியல் Classes
Click here for detailed schedule for 2022-23 school year
Structured for our Students
Raj Krishnasamy +1 (678) 358-3106
Sudarsan Royam +1 (407) 668-8589
Naveena Murugesan +1 (407) 902-5769
Selvi Sivasamy +1 (407) 803-1579
Manohar Patanjali +1 (305) 213-4478
Balaji Devarajan +1 (732) 423-1516